Sunday, January 15, 2012

How and Why to Suana!

How to Sauna or Heat Therapy

{A note on Cellulite, weight loss, stress and acne: Sauna is the best way to get rid of cellulite, lose weight, de-stress and have beautiful skin. I got rid of all of my blemishes and cellulite from doing sauna therapy for my health. All of the money you can spend in spas and on creams will never match the sauna. Health is Beauty. Decide to spend that extra time on yourself and you will learn to relish the relaxing sauna time. In the long run, it will save you time and money and give you vibrant health and beauty. I have not been sauning for a year and it shows!!!!}
Sauna is one of the most healing therapies known to man. I did saunas 3 times a week for intensive detoxing which helped heal from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. I did this for a year and would still be doing had I not changed gyms.
It is said that sauna (or heat therapy) is the best way to mobilize toxins that are stored in the fat. Toxins get stored in the fat to protect your organs from absorbing them. There is emerging research that obesity can be a toxicity issue.  Sauna is just a wonderful effective way to detox.  It has been practiced my Native Americans (sweat lodge) Romans, Turkish and surely many other cultures.
Other benefits of sauna are stimulating the lymphatic system, opening up the pores of the skin and  cleaning it, getting rid of cellulite, strengthen your cardiovascular system, and eliminate stress(which I think is a major contributor to illness); high heat kills germs and viruses and used for treating cancer and many chronic diseases. They call it Heperthermia.
Hippocrates declared, “Give me a chance to create fever and I will cure any disease.” recognized that the “artificial fevers” induced by intentional sweating purge harmful pathogens and toxins while fortifying your immune system.
During a 15 to 20 minute sweat session your pulse rate can increase from an average of 75 beats per minute (bpm) to between 100-150 bpm. This increase in blood circulation, without increasing blood pressure, strengthens your cardiovascular system.
These are some things I did in my sauna therapy. If you have heart trouble, see your doctor before sauning.  If your health is week, or not, go at your own pace and don’t over-do it. You can take your time to see how your body reacts to the heat and build your own regimen. It took me a while to build up to my 3 sessions of one hour in 15 or 20 minute increments. The last 15 minutes I usually spent on the cooler lower bench. Some sauna experts say the lower heat for longer periods is better.
You can buy an infrared sauna, my gym has a branch with an infrared sauna. I have most experience with the traditional sauna, so that’s what I’ll talk about.
I was in the sauna to detox, not to lose weight, cellulite or strengthen my heart (these are side benefits), so my intent was to get maximum toxins out while taking the minimum in. In a public sauna there are many toxic things happening. The biggest offender is plastic in the sauna; everyone wants to bring in their plastic water bottles and flip flops. Heated up plastic off-gasses toxins, so I try to very politely and kindly find a way to educate people and ask them not to use that in the sauna. It may take a while to find a way to explain the situation that goes over well. I usually exaggerate the gravity of my illness (it makes people nicer). If you can find  articles to show or talk to the management of your club,educate them and convince them to put up a sign that says ‘nothing but towels in the sauna’, that’s great. My new gym actually has plastic sauna bucket. :( . I haven’t gotten around to talking to the management yet, I just hide the bucket in a locker. I secretly pried off and took down a plastic sign inside one sauna. In my gym there was a swimming pool and people would go in the sauna to warm up with flippers, goggles etc. Don’t wear any synthetic materials, there are chemical changes to materials when they heat up.
There is also the issue of people using toxic scented creams and butters to slather up their bodies, and you have to breathe in the toxins. This actually doesn’t benefit the user as the whole point of sauna is to open the pores and let things out.  Back when I was saunaing to stay alive, I was known as a pain in the ass, if not worse. OH WELL! Some people don’t like me, but I got well.
I used to wet the corner of a towel with the filtered drinking fountain water and put some organic essential oil it, I would put this over my face and breath that it. It felt wonderful and I was hoping filtered other toxins. Some people are sensitive to essential oils, so listen to your body. Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lemon etc were very healing for me.
If you feel ill or faint, leave the sauna and sit down for a while.
Drink Plenty of water and make sure to replenish minerals and electrolytes.  I use a lot of Himalaya Sea Salt and use mineral rich foods and supplements. Magnesium calcium and zinc are teh main minerals lost in through sweat. There are specific Tri-salts mentioned in this great article about sauna. I never used it.
I put towels down and don’t touch the wood of the sauna very much. people have sweated out many toxins and I don’t want to be in contact with them. Probably the wood has its own self cleaning mechanism, but better safe than toxic. I use plenty of towels and wipe the sweat off when it builds up. I do this to ensure that the toxins are not reabsorbed into my skin. I rinse off whenever I can’t take the heat any more. That also cleans off the toxins. When I have sweated on a towel, I get a fresh one. I am generally quite eco aware, but I am a towel waster! when you are finished in the sauna you don’t need to wash with soap as your body is completely clean.
Doing a sauna after exercise is especially beneficial, as you blood vessels are your open and your lymphatic system is already moving. If you dont have access to sauna, there are heat lamps, you can take hot baths while drinking hot tea and then wrap up in warm clothes and many ways to heat your body and sweat. Its hard to Google becaues of ads, but when I find  a good article I will post it here.
I do some stretching, visualizing of my goals or have wonderful chats in the usually relaxing atmosphere of the sauna. I really miss those days of intense sauna therapy. Its great for the lymphatic system. I was very lean, had beautiful skin and always felt immediately better after encountering chemicals.

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