Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity? How to recover!

Transcript and Video

  Hello, this is Eve from Eve's Pot of Gold, and Facebook page called Detoxing the I also have the website and the Facebook Page “Detoxing the Body and Help with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity mcs”.
I just want to give you a little background: I was always health conscious; actively exercising and well-eating. I was always a little sensitive to chemicals. A few years ago, perfumes started bothering me. All of a sudden, in my gym and my workout class, people's perfumes and fabric softener started bothering me, making me feel so sick, so much that I couldn't stay in the room anymore, leaving me gasping for breath. Over a short period of time, wherever I went, the chemicals everywhere just bothered me—gave me headaches, made me grouchy, made me spacey, make me tired, hurt my lungs, and just made me feel awful.
I immediately started googling to find out what was wrong with me. Luckily I did, and I found out how serious it was. As I immediately started detoxing and doing everything I could do, I read Sherry Roger's books a few times through. I read all this stuff on cure zone which was sort of the only thing, a year and a half-two years ago, I could find on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). I started doing most of Sherry Rogers' protocol which is the alpha-lipoic acid, glutathion, vitamin C, sauna therapy, and coffee enema on a daily basis. I did a hundred other things. I read incessantly, and did everything I could to get better. I also upped my nutrition and cleared my house of all the toxins I could. I got air purifiers. I had a friend who had an immune system disorder and got well by going to therapy, so I started going to therapy. I just did everything I could. I've had acupuncture. I take all kinds of supplements, eat all kinds of super foods.
The good news is, after about six months of detoxing, I all of a sudden got well. The bad news is, all of the time I was detoxing, I was still getting worse. I wasn't feeling any better at all, and if you have MCS, you know, it's really frightening, and it's really frustrating. It is the most awful illness I can imagine because not only are you sick, you can't go anywhere, and it's a really serious, fatal disease; but everyone just thinks you're neurotic and complaining, that it's all in your mind. Doctor's aren't much better.
Anyway, I started my sites and my channel to help other people and to encourage people to detox and build up your nutrition and your health as quickly and as best as you can because you do not want to keep getting sicker. Its a very serious illness and you are damaging your organs.
When I was sick, I would read for hours on all these message boards, and there were a lot of people sick, and there wasn't a lot of people that got well. A lot of time when you get well, you just go live your life, but I want to come back and encourage everybody else who is still sick to get well.
Also, I'm still detoxing and am still sensitive to chemicals. I don't want to just get well enough so that I'm not sick. I prefer to get as healthy and as toxin free as I can so I don't catch some awful related disease.
I will just be putting up videos on random topics, speaking off the top of my head. Don't forget, I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist, and this is just my own experience. I'm not giving any medical advice. Sadly, doctors didn't help me at all. All I had to get well was Google. If you know anyone sick, suffering from chemical sensitivity or any other chronic disease, can send them to my Facebook page or Youtube channel. Look for daily tips at 'Detoxing the Body and help for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity' Facebook page.


  1. hi Eve, i wanted to tell you that i enjoyed your artical. i almost had the same kind of experiance,except i had to have the will to get over my ordeal on my own. without help from anyone. i was exposed to pesticide in my home in 1996. i went to every doctor that i could to figure out what i had. i read sherry rodgers book on "being in a toxic world" and that explained what i had that i wasnt told otherwise. i tried to get on SSI and was unable. fINALLY an envirnmentalist said i was really sick. i was left with no alternative but, to stop working and try to get well on my own. im still having MCS issues but not as bad. as i did. i had migraine that would leave me incapable of doing everyday normal activitys and i needed to take what ever i could to get relief if it meant a narcotic. i wouldn't have survived if it weren't for my mother.i was still denied SSI had been diagnosed with Bipolar i had an attorney that didn't help me anymore than i would have if i weent alone. i have to say that i was very sick. i have stomach ulcers at this time that im getting treated for and i truely believe that its because i havient been taken better care of m illness. i hope that i can someday. but, im on my own and can do nothing that will make it better.i pray to get SSI everyday,its not simple. from Debbie

  2. Wow Debbie!
    No doctor ever helped me!I was all alone and so scared! That's why I sarted my Facebook page Finally an acupuncturist after I finally cussed at the 6th doctor who said they had 'never hear of mcs". (I was like "can't you google it?). Gee, they have disability attorneys at the AIDS clinic (well it stared as an aids clinic, but now is just awesome). That's where I got the acupuncture. I work from home, but even well as I am I could not be in most environments all day! MY FACEBOOK PAGE
